Glazart - club, salle, club électro, salle de concert, club dj
7-15 avenue de la Porte de la Villette, 75019, Paris
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Pop Rock
Bonjour à tous, Nous sommes contraints d'annuler le concert de Blues Pills de ce soir. Pour cause de problèmes de santé, Elin Larsson n'est pas en mesure d'assurer le spectacle de ce soir. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le communiqué d'Elin. Nous sommes sincèrement désolés pour tous ceux qui attendaient ce concert avec impatience et avaient pris leurs dispositions pour venir à LaPlage ce soir. L'équipe de Glazart
Elin Larsson : "So this summer hasn't been the easiest for me. I've been struggling with ongoing voice problems and have had to cancel multiple shows. In 2016 I didn't have to cancel a single show but this year it's been more than hard and I had to cancel several shows. I suffered a cold with fever this Spring what still has an impact on my vocal chords according to the doctors. I guess touring and recording non stop has its toll on any body, but this whole thing really affects my soul and heart. I am devastated that the one thing I truly love becomes the worst thing from one day to another. It's mentally exhausting. Its scary to stand in front of a huge audience saying you simply can't continue. As well as it is scary to be open and write public about your problems. But I figure I owe to you as fans, promoters and bookers. You all who support us as buying our records or coming to our shows one after the other - you all deserve an explanation from me. I am truly sorry I've let you down. I just can't risk my voice to get permanently damaged. And even though it hurts so much to cancel, if it's when you're suppose to play the show of your life, it will never be worth damaging your voice. There is no money or shallow reasoning in the world that would make me even consider doing so, because money and fame wasn't what drove me to sing and write music in the first place and I can tell you it will never become one of it. What I hope now is to finish the last 3 shows and then I will have to deal with my problems and try to get my voice healthy again. I owe that to you, my band , my crew and myself . I'm not a quitter, So I will work my ass off to achieve my goals and be happy again. I'm very sorry. Also sorry for the over sharing and being brutally honest with an overload of information. I hope to see you all at Motocultour Festival and hope that we can reschedule the show in Paris when everything is in order again. Thanks for all your support! We truly have the best fans out there!"
Blues Pills est de retour à Paris pour piquer une tête à La Plage de Glazart dans la chaleur estivale du 16 août, à partir de 19h00.
Motifs psychédéliques en backdrop, éléments capillaires millésimés, cavalcades à six cordes sur structures rythmiques alambiquées, voix féminine au spectre géant : Les artisans de cet amalgame prodigieux viennent de Suède, des Etats-Unis et de France, et leur dosage de riffs zeppeliniens et de voix joplinienne compose les savoureuses Blues Pills d'un rock au psychédélisme tout seventies, mais dont la prescription n'a aucune date limite de consommation. Après quelques EPs et deux albums qui offrirent au groupe une gigantesque tournée européenne, leur second et dernier LP baptisé « Lady In Gold » a définitivement installé les Blues Pills au rang des drogues les plus douces.
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