soirée Paris soirée clubbing

Automatic X Un_Mute : Laurine & Cecilio / The Ghost / Automatic Writing

Événement publié par ParisBouge

date et heure

du à 23:59
au samedi 23 avril 2022 à 06:00


non précisé


At the heart of our approach is obsession. The obsession to gather all the parameters that turn a party into Art: the perfect venue, the best soundsystem and the right audience to offer to the artists playing the optimal conditions to express themselves. It’s important for us to invite DJs that have been constantly working on building their DJ skills as well as their own identity through an obsessional record digging.

For this event we will add to our party the communicative energy created by duos. We’re inviting for the occasion two of the most flourishing duos of the underground scene: Laurine & Cecilio and The Ghost. The Automatic Writing trio (Guillermo Jams, Jacan, Darween) will intro the night for their guest.

Automatic is a series of events showcasing electronic music talents from across the globe.
Un_Mute Is a joint venture that produces premier underground events in Miami.
